The traditional Chinese medicine uses Jiangyan to remove dampness and coldness. Ginger essential oil helps to dispel blood stasis and heal the wounds; Conditioning oily skin, and the use of pale skin is also effective. Aphrodisiac, flatulence, especially helps to improve the body's moisture, such as a cold, a lot of phlegm and runny nose. Relieve phlegm, fever, and diarrhea to warm the body.
Like aloe vera shrubs, with a lancet-shaped leaf about a metre of tender twigs: its aroma is rich, hot and sharp. Ginger is a kind of heat we know well
Ginger essential oil
Seasoning, originally produced in Asia, was one of the earliest seasonings from the East to the West, including India, China, Japan, Malanesia, Queensland, and Florida. Among them, India and China have the most pharmacological properties of ginger and are widely used. For cooking and recipes. The traditional Chinese medicine uses Jiangyan to remove dampness and coldness.
Extraction method editing
This kind of essential oil is based on roots of unground or dried aerial parts of the ground, and the stems and leaves are suitable for harvesting after withering. Mu 1500~1750kg. The ginger block was washed and cold-pressed, and then distilled by steam distillation for 24 hours to obtain an oil ratio of 0.27 to 0.33%.
Main component editing
It has been found that there are more than 100 components in ginger oil, mainly: Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (50%~66%), followed by Oxygenated sesquiterpenes (17%) ), the rest are mainly
Monoterpene hydrocarbons and Oxygenated monoterpenes, in Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, α-Zingiberene (a-zingerene) 15% to 30%, β-Bisaboblene (β-bispermethine) 6% to 2%, ar-Curcumene (aryl-curcumene) 5% to 19%, α-farnesene (α-farnesene) 3% to 10% and β -Sesquiphellandrene (β-sesquidine) (7% to 10%). In addition to Neral, the low boiling Monoterpene hydrocarbons content is usually low, about 2%. Studies have found that cinerine (l,8-cineole), linalool, citronellylacetate, bornol, geranial and geraniol are fresh ginger The main fragrance component of aroma.
Main function edit
Aphrodisiac, flatulence, phlegm, fever, diarrhea, make the body warm, stimulate, benefit the stomach, promote sweating, make up. Chest, face is not available!
Skin efficacy
Helps disperse blood stasis and cure wounds; Conditioning oily skin, and pale skin use also have an effect. Not suitable for facial skin care, adjustable and shampoo in shampoo, can go to the wind, headache; available base oil diluted massage to dispel blood stasis, treatment of trauma. Improve memory and promote hair growth. A few drops of ginger essential oil are added to the hot water in the foot bath to achieve the purpose of activating the meridian of the blood circulation, and to achieve the effect of removing beriberi and foot odor.
Physiological efficacy
Aphrodisiacs are valuable in the treatment of incompetence, improve menstruation, can also be used for postpartum care to eliminate accumulated blood clots; especially help to improve the state of body moisture, excessive fluid, such as influenza, more And runny nose can also relieve sore throat and tonsillitis.
Psychological effect
Warm emotions make people feel sharp and enhance their memory, and they are in a good mood.
With oil editing
Cinnamon, Frankincense, Clove, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Sweet Orange, Lemon, Rosemary, Peppermint
Magic Formula Editor
1. Body bath: 5-8 drops of ginger essential oil, soaking in the winter bath, promote blood circulation, body heat, treatment of cold sensation, more aphrodisiac for men.
2. Soaking feet:
Ginger essential oil 3-5 drops in warm water, soak your feet and treat cold hands and feet.
3, female care: massage, regulate menstruation, aphrodisiac, postpartum care.
Sweet almond oil 10ml + apricot kernel oil 10ml + ginger 5 drops + geranium 3 drops + juniper berries 3 drops
4, assisted digestion: promote gastric secretion, loss of appetite, indigestion and effective.
Avocado Oil 10ml + Apricot Kernel Oil 10ml + Ginger 5 Drops + Pods 3 drops + Fennel 2 drops
Respiratory tract infections: fumigation, influenza, increased sweating, reduced sore throat and tonsil inflammation.
1 drop of ginger + 3 drops of cedar + 2 drops of eucalyptus
6, joint muscle massage: relieve arthritis, joint pain, rheumatism, cramps and muscle aches.
Sweet almond oil 16 ml + wheat germ oil 4 ml + ginger 5 drops + 3 drops of chamomile + 3 drops of juniper berries
Common usage edit
Ginger oil is ideal for treating colds and flu, as well as nausea, motion vomiting, early morning nausea, muscle aches and joint pain.
Its gentle effects apply to the feeling of loneliness and winter depression. Its added vitality can promote sexual desire.
1 censer and evaporator incense
In steam therapy, it can be used to relieve mucositis, increase vitality, overcome stomach irritability, treat colds, flu, and feel lonely and cold.
2 Do compound massage oil or dilute it in a bath
Used as a compound massage oil or diluted in a bath, it can be used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, nausea, colds and flu, muscle pain, poor circulation and vomiting.
3Use cream or moisturizer to add ingredients
As part of a face cream or moisturizer, it can be used to treat arthritis, muscle aches, rheumatism, as well as to help treat poor circulation and dissipate bruises.
4 as hot ingredients
When used in hot packs, ginger essential oil can be used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, muscle aches, and indigestion.
5 drops to use on handkerchief
For ease of use, drop 1 drop of essential oil on the handkerchief, promptly inhale quickly, use during seasickness, morning nausea, indigestion, colds and flu, and vomiting during travel.
(8) Essential oils suitable for mixing with ginger oil
Bergamot, frankincense, neroli, rose, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang essential oils.
Precautions Edit
Use sensitive skin as little as possible to avoid causing allergies.