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  • 售價: $12,000



Essence of wormwood is extracted from the extracts of leaves and stems of wormwood, extracted by extrusion and solvent extraction, and is generally light yellow or green-yellow.
Natural leaves are extracted and refined, with a light yellow or greenish yellow appearance. Wen Jing Tong Meridian, Qi and blood circulation, Quhan pain, improve local circulation, increase immunity.
Apply to acupuncture points or affected areas repeatedly

Essence of wormwood is extracted from the essence extracted from wormwood, and its use with moxibustion is very effective!

Feature editing
Natural leaves are extracted and refined, with a light yellow or greenish yellow appearance. Wen Jing Tong Meridian, Qi and blood circulation, Quhan pain, improve local circulation, increase immunity. Apply to acupuncture points or affected area and rub it repeatedly until absorbed.

Chemical composition editing
Components of wormwood oil: Sieversin, 4-hydroxy-8-acetoxy-8-acetoxy-1(2), 9(10)-guaiac-diene-6,12- Ester [4-hydroxy-8-acetoxyguaia-1(2),9(10)-dien-6,12-olede][1], artabsin, artabsin, yangai Sbsinthin [2], siev-ersinin [3], 11-epiabsinthin, 11, 10, 11-phenygosin (11,10,11-epiabsinthin ),10,11-epiab-sinthin, artesiversin,11α-dihydromexacolin B, (2β-hydroxy-8-desoxy-11α, 13-dihydroxrupicolin B) ), 11α,13-Dihydrohanfilin [11α,13-dihydro-4(2)-hanphyllin], isovaleric acid, 8-(isovaleryoxy-neryloxy) neroliate (8-isovaleryoxy-nerylisovalerate) , 2α, 3α-epoxy-11α,13-dihydrodeth-drocostrs lactone, dermacetene D, cur-cumene, Isomerylvalerate, 4-de-hydroxyajadin, ludart In), anabsinthin [4], globinin [5], chamazulene, chamazuleno-gen [6], artemolin )[7] etc. Also contains lignans: sesamin, e,a-a-ashantin, e,e-e-artemin, goose Palmitic acid resin B dimethyl ether (yangambin, O, O-dimethyllirioresinolB), Liriodendron resin A (epiyangambin, O, O-dimethyllirioresinolA) [4]. Also contains flavonoids: artemisetin, chrysosplenetin [8], rutin, isoquercetrin [9] and esculetin , caffeine (caf-feicacid) [8] and essential oil with anti-inflammatory effects.

Use edit
Essence of wormwood oil is generally used to bathe feet and moxibustion.
Essence of wormwood essential oil feet: 45-60 degrees hot water into the bath can be enough to infuse the foot, instill 3-5 drops of wormwood oil, with a towel around the bath to bathe feet for 15-20 minutes. If there are symptoms of cold hands and feet, it is recommended to extend it to 25 minutes. When the water temperature drops, add the same proportion of hot water and wormwood oil.
Several small prescriptions of wormwood feet:
Essence of wormwood and ginger can cure cold, arthropathy, rheumatism, cough, bronchitis, and emphysema.
Essence of wormwood oil plus safflower can improve varicose veins, peripheral neuritis, poor blood circulation, hand and foot hemp or blood stasis.
Essence of wormwood oil plus salt is suitable for fire, often with red eyes, toothache, sore throat, irritability, coldness after getting angry, and swollen legs.
Essence of wormwood oil plus 20 pepper, apply to sweat, foot odor, athlete's foot, and temperature rash.

Indications Editor
Essence of wormwood essential oils, qi and blood, warm meridians, cold dampness, pain relief, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, stimulate the digestive glands, antitussive and expectorant, promote circulation, qi, enhance immunity. Take appropriate amount of the product smear on the desired part and massage it in a circle until it is completely absorbed by the skin. Take a one-month cycle and continue using it for 5 days in a week or 2 days or 3 weeks in a week. It can be used for a long time. .

Dysmenorrhea: Take 5 drops of the product in the lower abdomen to massage, can warm the veins to promote abdominal blood circulation, has a good pass through the effect, ease the pain caused by the palace cold (can be used during menstruation)
Periarthritis of the shoulder: Take about 10 drops of massage on the shoulder and neck to relieve neck and shoulder pain
Antitussive and phlegm: take 2 drops in the throat, 5 drops in the chest for massage, you can phlegm and relieve cough
Promote digestion: Take 5 drops of massage in the abdomen to effectively promote the normal operation of the digestive system
Improve immunity: Take about 20 drops of massage tail and 2 sides of the spine, or take 5 drops of each on foot massage and with feet, long-term use can qi, improve immunity